zai's website

lol guy's zone

Hi, I have too many internet pseudonyms. Welcome to my webpage on Zai's website, (thanks for allowing me to leave this file on your computer,) where I am going to put... things!


One of my pseudonyms is Pool Funny (origin of that here Loops) except on TMN/UF-X where my username is lol6435guy Sometimes I make maps and upload them to Trackmania Exchange (or TMX as it's often abbreviated to.) I'm hoping make maps in different environments as all my maps, as of March 4th, 2024, have all been in the Stadium environment.

TMX (Nations Forever) TMX (United Forever) TMX (Trackmania 2)


So sometimes I slap notes in my F R E E A N D O P E N S O U R C E DAW (LMMS if you're curious, might switch to something else in the future.) I have a lot of project files on my hard drive. Anyways, I make music sometimes.

Where you can listen to the tunes: SoundCloud YouTube Playlist Bandcamp

Sparrow Assistant

I made a thing for Sparrow Assistant (created by pivinx1) I'll have a link for the Sparrow Assistant repository

Social Media Thingies

YouTube Twitter Reddit

:( Zai Lol Guy's Zone